Why use HuskeeSwap?
HuskeeSwap is a unique, opt-in Cup Exchange System that rewards HuskeeCup owners. It's a BYO with Benefits program.
No need to wash the cup. Simply hand over a HuskeeCup at participating venues when you place your order, and receive your drink in a cleaned HuskeeCup.
It's a convenient and hassle-free way to refresh your daily routine while joining a community of conscious consumers.
How does it work?

First you need a cup
Find your nearest HuskeeSwap location

HuskeeSwap is built for busy people, to make reuse convenient.
Your cafe will always have cups washed and ready - here are a few of the benefits of using the HuskeeSwap system:
2. Don't want to carry your cup around in your bag - STORE it
3. Forgot your cup at home or left it in the office or car - BORROW one
4. Track your impact and earn free coffee when you SWAP through LOYALTY features*
5. Always Swapping for a fresh cup = infinite ownership!
You may not want to download an App, and as always with our system - you don't have to. Without the app you won't be able to use some of the great features of HuskeeSwap above, but it is App-supported, not required by design.
*Loyal features available only at participating HuskeeSwap sites.

Can't Find a Cafe Near You?
They care about their customers (you) and most are already trying to do better for the planet. They may not know or have had the time to understand a Swap system and its benefits.
Refer them by filling out the form below and we will get in contact! Or you can print out the benefits flyer and give it to them for that personal touch.