The Limitations of ‘BYO Cups’: Moving Toward Reuse Systems in Cafes

The Limitations of ‘BYO Cups’: Moving Toward Reuse Systems in Cafes

16th Jan 2025

Read time: 4 minutes

From BYO to BY-Ohhhh

We’re big fans of BYO behaviour (ok, that might be obvious, given we’re a business that makes reusable cups).

But here’s what you might not expect from us: while BYO is a great start (and better than single-use) we also believe that relying entirely on traditional BYO has its limitations.

From dirty cups to forgetting them altogether, this article will dive into why a systems-based approach, like HuskeeSwap, is a more viable future solution. 

First, let’s talk about ‘traditional BYO’

We’re not going to hit you with a list of scary statistics you’ve probably already heard – like the fact that 600 billion disposable coffee cups are produced worldwide each year (... ok, just one statistic).

Traditional BYOC (that’s Bring Your Own Cup) has been adopted by cafes around Australia (and the world) with some cafes even offering incentives for customers to BYOC. And it's proven to be a great way to reduce single-use packaging, take a stand against disposable cups, and show a commitment to sustainability.

But is BYO the magic bullet for achieving a truly sustainable reuse system in your cafe? Perhaps not. And that’s when we turn to reuse systems.

What is a reuse system? 

A reuse system is designed to make takeaway service in reusables as convenient and easy as possible, for both the business and its customers.

Our version of a reuse system is ‘HuskeeSwap’ – a cup-exchange program that allows effortless reuse, beyond traditional BYO behaviour.

The way it works is simple. Customers can visit a participating cafe, hand in a HuskeeCup, order as usual, and then receive their order in a fresh cup.

All customers need to do is buy a HuskeeCup to start swapping. 

The Limitations of traditional BYO (and why Reuse Systems offer a better alternative)

In an ideal world, every customer would remember a clean reusable cup each morning. But this isn’t always the case.

Let’s look at some of the common limitations of traditional BYO (baristas, prepare to nod along). 

“Sorry, it’s dirty”

Whether you run a cafe or you’re a barista, you’ve probably been on the receiving end of “sorry, my cups a little dirty, would you mind rinsing it under some hot water?”

So it’s clear there are hygiene concerns when customers BYO, and COVID-19 was a stark reminder of this. In 2019 the zero-waste movement was gaining momentum, but by the time COVID became widespread in 2020, many cafes and foodservice businesses flipped the switch and started saying ‘nah-uh’ to reusables to help stop the spread. An understandable action, though perhaps it took us a step back in the war on waste.

This highlighted the need for a consistent sanitation and cleaning methods for reusable cups.

Enter, reuse systems. A system where the consumer is no longer responsible for washing their cup – but the cafe is – making sure cups are consistently meeting commercial grade cleaning standards. This keeps BYO culture alive, with peace of mind for both cafes and coffee lovers. 

“Woops, I forgot my cup”

The thing about traditional BYO is that the fallback option is a single-use disposable cup.

Customer forget their cup? They’re either contributing to packaging waste or going without their coffee (and, well, who wants to do that?)

By implementing a reuse system, like HuskeeSwap, it goes one step beyond asking customers to remember their cup: it makes it part of the experience.

It becomes second nature when coffee lovers leave the house … “keys, wallet, phone … cup”

Yet, we still understand there are times we forget the essentials. In the case of HuskeeSwap, the reuse system is supported by the HuskeeSwap App. So if a customer forgets their cup (or doesn’t want to carry it around all day) they can use handy features like BORROW, STORE, LOYALTY and more. 

“Whose cup is whose?”

While many cafes encourage BYO, the reality is, if everyone brought their own cup it can become confusing for baristas during busy periods. Trying to keep track of which cup is for which order, while also adapting your coffee pour to suit the different size and weight of each cup – it’s a lot.

HuskeeSwap offers a consistent reuse system, designed with baristas in mind. The cups are easily stackable with a universal lid solution, plus the weight and iconic Huskee ‘fins’ make it easy to hold while perfecting your pour. 

“Another coffee?”

The traditional BYO model doesn’t make it easy for customers to get coffee number two (or three or four) when they’re on the go. Once their cup is dirty, customers have to find somewhere to wash it, take it home to wash, or opt for a single-use disposable cup.

The great thing about a reuse system, like HuskeeSwap, is customers can bring a dirty cup to a participating cafe (in fact, it’s encouraged). Then, customers will get their coffee served in a fresh cup, and the dirty cup will be sent for cleaning in-house. 

“I don’t want to commit to one size coffee”

When customers buy a traditional BYO cup, without a reuse system attached, they’re committing to one size. So what if one day you feel like a piccolo, the next day you want a extra-shot large latte?

HuskeeSwap tackles this issue by offering a ‘swap for any size’ service. That means customers can walk in with a dirty 8oz cup, and walk out with a fresh coffee served in a clean 12oz cup. Simple. 

Benefits of a reuse system

Let’s take a closer look.

Cost benefits

Single-use coffee cups can cost cafes thousands of dollars every single year. While reuse systems can cost money to set up, once they’re implemented, you’ll be saving on disposable packaging orders every month. With HuskeeSwap, your cafe can get started for as little as 150 AUD. 

Environmental benefits

Less single-use coffee cups going to landfill is a win for the environment. If we look at the ‘break even point’, once you’ve used an Original HuskeeCup just 25 times, it becomes more sustainable than single use. 

Easy to use

Reuse systems create consistency. Original HuskeeCups are stackable, easy to hold and come with a universal lid option. 

 Brand image

Taking a stand against single-use cups and adopting a reuse system can contribute to your brand image – you’ll feel like you’re ahead of the curve. 

Pre-ordering systems

With traditional BYO systems, you can’t pre-order a coffee in your reusable cup. With a system like HuskeeSwap, cafes can use pre-ordering systems with ease.

Stay ahead of single-use plastic bans

Single-use plastic bans are taking place around Australia, and the world, with many bans already underway. Adopting a reusable system will keep you one step ahead. 

What makes a successful reuse system? 

As you can see, successful reuse systems should be as convenient, simple and cost-effective as possible – while overcoming some of the common barriers associated with traditional reuse behaviour.

That’s exactly what HuskeeSwap sets out to do, creating a system that’s almost as convenient as single-use, while also saving on the costs of regularly topping up single-use packaging.

Another success factor is communication. It’s not a ‘set and forget’ system – cafes and businesses need to spread the word to their customers about the new system, and how it works, for everyone to get involved. This can turn into great publicity and become a brand building exercise (thank us later).

So, traditional BYO versus reuse systems: which is better?

Ok, we don’t like to think of them as ‘one or the other.’ Instead, reuse systems look at the limitations of traditional BYO and ask, how can we make this better?

Reuse systems take it one step further, making reuse and BYO behaviour more viable and convenient for a circular future.

If you’re interested in becoming a participating HuskeeSwap cafe, get started today.

If you’re looking for your nearest HuskeeSwap cafe, visit our locations map.